"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there
are many dark places; but still there is much that

is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled
with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."
--J.R.R. Tolkien

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Thursday, December 18, 2008


Home.  That always has been an abstract concept for me.  I never lived in a place that I thought of as a permanent home.  I always knew that where ever I lived, it was a temporary shelter; I would live somewhere else in the future.  Therefore, I came to define "home" mainly as where my family was.  

I am home now.  It is nice to be here with my mother.  We sit at the table and talk or just do our own thing, together.  We've been shopping together, which is traditional for Mom and I.  It has also been nice being in the same house as my brother.  I still hardly see him but every now and again I get a glimpse.  The best times are when he stops and talks for a few minutes.  I wonder if he knows how much we treasure those times.  

I went to my other brother's house.  His kids are so cute.  My niece and nephew wanted to play with me.  It was so awesome just sitting there, quietly playing with them.  They are great kids.  I do love them very much and have missed their company.  Tomorrow I get to see the rest of my family.

I can't forget my dog.  What a beautiful dog she is.  She has been following me around and wanting me to pet her or play with her.   I've spent so much time petting her and kissing her.   She's my cutie patutie.  I miss having animals around.

As for the town: I do love driving around knowing the best routes to get to where I'm going.  I like not having to worry about one-way streets.  I've missed having to watch out for horses.  Today we had to wait while a herd of cows crossed the street.  I love the country.  It's quiet, friendly, and peaceful.  Cheney, WA is my home for now but Idaho Falls is familiar and has my family.  I've missed it.  

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I Can't Grow from The Garden by Michael McLean, Bryce Neubert, and Merrill Jenson:

Dark earth all around.
Trapped here underground.
All I do is wait.
And I hate
How the world keeps turning so slow
And I can't grow.

My friends have all gone
Up there with the sun.
But I've been here so long.
What went wrong?
Are there reasons I should know
Why I can't grow?

Should I stop saying
It's not fair?
Am I less of a failure down here than up there?
Is there a reason
I missed my season?
I don't know
Will I ever grow?

Why am I the one
The only one
Who the sun never will know
Because I can't grow?

What would it be like 
To be grown?
Would I wish for these days in this darkness alone?
Is there a reason
I missed my season?
I don't know 
Will I ever grow?
Will I ever grow?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Good Life

My life has been hard for me. I've suffered from depression and low self-esteem. After the shock of my father's death, the depression drastically deepened. I wanted to die. I hated life and hated myself. Self-esteem was almost non-existent and I told myself all kinds of horrible stuff. I basically tortured myself for many years. It was a difficult place to come back from. And sometimes it is still difficult. For me, it has been a hard life.

But I work with teenagers who would wish for my life. I can't believe the lives they have lived in their short time. Many were introduced to drugs by their parents. Many come from abusive situations. Some have no one who wants them. My clients have lived many lives in their one life.

One girl shared some of her life story with me. I can't tell you her situation but it is shocking. The counselor said, "You've gone through a lot." The girl replied, "Yes, but I've done it all to myself." That resonated with me. I could say the same for my life. But I could never know what it has been like for her.

On the drive home I saw a kid walking down the street. He seemed to be maybe 15. He looked away from people, appearing not to want to meet anyone's eyes. He was thin and had dark circles under his eyes. He could very well have been a runaway involved with drugs. How is it to live on the streets? Will that kid be my client someday?

I was so thankful, as I watched him, that I never had to live on the streets. I am thankful that I had a good family situation. It wasn't perfect but it was loving and supportive. My family has never been rich but we always had a warm house to live in. I suffered from terrible emotional problems but I never had to turn to illegal drugs or a risky lifestyle to deal with them. There were other places for me to turn.

I truly believe that we all have different strengths and weaknesses. What is hard for me may be easy for others and visa versa. Someone else living my life may find it very difficult. We should not compare ourselves to others. But I can't help see other people's lives and admire their strength for being able to continue to live and survive. It seems almost impossible. I guess that is one benefit to serving others. When focused on other people's problems, ours seem so small.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Busy Sunday

I love Sundays.  They are very peaceful and give me time to reflect on my life.  It is a time to connect with those I love and care about.  It is a day to serve.  Today was all of those things but very busy. 

I started the day with going to a friend's church.  It was awesome!  I love to learn about new cultures, and religion is a culture.  It was very different than the LDS church, that's for sure.  It was busy and loud.  At first I felt like I was going to a rock concert.  But the spiritual, religious part of it started right away.  Well, I'm not going to give you a play by play.  As I was saying, there were many things that were different from my church and religion.  

However, what surprised me the most were the similarities.  Almost everything the speakers (pastors) said were the same as I believe; maybe not word by word but the idea was right on.  While very different than what you'd find at my church, music was still a way to worship as it is for us.  The idea of fellowship and service was another similarity.  Most importantly, the people were, it appeared, good people who worshipped God and tried to give their life over to Him.  

I was glad that I went and I really enjoyed it.  However, I was excited to be able to go to my church after.  It was so nice to feel the Spirit in the various meetings and the peace and clarity it brings.  It's almost like walking through the desert and finally being able to have that drink of water.  This week was definitely a long desert.  I bore my testimony in Sacrament meeting and was actually a little extra nervous in doing so. 

After church I wrote to my brother, watched a devotional, attended a quick meeting, saw a display of nativity scenes, and ate dinner with a friend.  

It's been a busy day with little time to reflect.  But it has been a good day.  I feel uplifted and edified.  My testimony is stronger.  And I feel more connected to friends.  It's good to have Sundays like these once in a while, even when they are busy. 

A quick note:  Leave a comment and let me know what you think about the music playing while you read.
